Quality Policy:
Clent Life Science and Analox Instruments Limited aim to provide innovative, exceptional products for our customers.
Our Mission is to focus on quality in three main areas:-
1. Our People: Develop a quality workforce of people that are diverse, passionate about their work, and educated in their area of responsibility. We look to develop our team to help them to grow both personally and professionally.
2. Our Products: We deliver quality products that are innovative and exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations. We continue to design and manufacture new products that address our customers’ changing needs. We place innovation, creativity and attention to detail at the core of our Research & Development to ensure that our products are simple, efficient, and effective.
3. Our Place of work: We spend considerable amounts of time within a work environment. Therefore, we work to maintain a quality workplace. This includes flexibility and creative spaces for our staff to work in. We also acknowledge that we are all different while providing a common workplace
In order for us to achieve and maintain our goals we have implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) to capture our ideas and processes and be an Employer and a Supplier of choice.